Why Is My Boxer Dog Losing Her Fur & Dogs Hair Loss Problem

Dogs hair loss can be quite troublesome and concerning for the pet owners out there. This condition is medically known as alopecia, and it can be caused by several conditions and diseases. Fortunately, alopecia is not a serious condition when it comes to pooches.

How can I treat my dogs hair loss?

In case you are a boxer dog owner and your canine is losing hair, then the question regarding how to treat your dogs hair loss might arise in your mind. Below, we have mentioned some effective home remedies for that.

Dogs hair loss problem, boxer dog losing her fur,

1. Make use of a humidifier

Dry skin and hair are amongst the most typical problems with pooches losing hair. Getting a humidifier will be one of the most effective ways for preventing that. A humidifier will be capable of keeping an increasing amount of moisture in the air which will help to soothe the skin of your furry friend and will also prevent dry and itchy skin.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Individuals are known to make use of apple cider vinegar for a long time. The acidic nature of this ingredient helps to make it antibacterial and antifungal. This implies that it can be applied to the irritated skin of your pet for cleaning out any bad stuff. Apple cider vinegar can be dabbed on the epidermis of the animal or you can also try to add some to their bath which will make their skin refreshed and rejuvenated.

3. Lemon juice

Another surefire way for preventing a boxer dogs hair loss will be to employ lemon juice similar to apple cider vinegar. Being acidic in nature, lemon juice will aid in combating bacteria and restoring the pH of any problematic skin area. It is a fact that your boxer dog is losing hair because of her problematic skin and fixing the skin will help her to a great extent in restoring hair.

4. Brush the pooch

In spite of being a rather simple thing, brushing your dog can prove to be extremely beneficial when it comes to their hair. The skin of your dog has got natural oils on it so that it is moisturized and safeguarded. However, it might not be possible for the oil to reach the coat of the canine. It will be feasible to distribute the oil evenly on the fur by brushing the dog, and it will likewise make the hair appear shiny as well as healthy. It is important to brush your dog regularly so as to get the desired results.

5. Topical olive oil

One more effective method of preventing dogs hair loss will be to use topical olive oil. It is known to all of us that this oil is quite beneficial for individuals. However, it might not be known to you that topical oil will also aid in making the skin soft in case it is applied topically.

In case your pet has patches of dry epidermis, applying some olive oil in those areas will prove to be useful. Olive oil is known to moisturize rough and dry skin. Apart from this, it will also be effective in preventing your dogs hair loss by smothering mites. A small quantity of the oil has to be massaged into the skin of the animal and that’s all!

What can cause bald patches on dogs?

In case you are thinking about why is your boxer dog losing her fur, then go through the following section of this article which will come of use to you.

1. Change of season

Dogs are known to change their coat during the new season, and your boxer dog will also not be an exception to this. This can also lead to your dogs hair loss in the long run. Dogs tend to lose the majority of their winter coats during spring. Changes in hormones along with increasing temperatures while moving to spring from winter can result in dogs hair loss when the body of the animal gets prepared to cope with the warm weather of summer.

2. Stress

In case your boxer dog is losing hair all of a sudden without any medical reasons, then it might be due to excessive stress. She might become upset because of various factors such as a new dog coming in the family, separation from its owner, or even a move. Once the dog becomes stressed it might begin to scratch or lick which it might find to be soothing. However, this type of behavior can lead to the formation of bald patches on the skin in areas where they lick or scratch the most.

3. Food allergies

If it is a fact that your canine has started to lose hair and it scratching quite frequently, it might be because of having a food allergy. For ascertaining whether the canine is suffering from a food allergy the vet is going to put the pooch on an exclusion diet which might take as many as 8 weeks. Your furry friend will be put on a basic diet and other food items will be reintroduced to her diet slowly for figuring out which food she is allergic to.

4. Cushing’s disease

Another reason for your boxer dogs hair loss might be because of the excessive production of a hormone known as cortisol which can lead to hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s disease. Symptoms consist of drinking and eating more than usual, frequent urinating, as well as a pot-bellied appearance. This disease is usually observed in pooches who are more than 6 years of age.

What does alopecia look like in dogs?

As mentioned earlier, the process of losing hair in small patches is known as alopecia. In case you want to know how this condition looks like when it comes to dogs, we like to inform you that it might affect pooches of all breeds as well as genders at any particular stage during their lifetime. This condition is quite common and can display as partial or complete loss of hair. However, it can likewise affect the skin of the animal along with her immune system.

Dogs hair loss can be quite noticeable, especially if she is having long furs along with a silky-smooth coat. The coat can become quite dry or brittle and bald patches will appear on the body of the creature. There can also be inflammation, red patches, or crusting in and around the areas where the pooch has suffered hair loss. Moreover, scaly skin might be present and it can become quite itchy as well.

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