Funny Things only Golden Retriever Owners Say And GO

Do you want to make your day happy and smile all day, enjoy this article and read it until the end to know very funny things only golden retriever owners say to their dog and go? This is a top and funny golden retriever memes that you need today to know so enjoy them.

Funny Things only Golden Retriever Owners Say And GO!

Funny Things only Golden Retriever owners say And GO

Put my shoe and socks down

He’ll show the burglars where the valuables are.

Is that yours!?!?

Drop it.

Grinch Feet!!!

Mummy loves you so much.

Leave it!

You’ve got to be ADHD!!!

Oh no! Where’s my other sock???

How much more hair can she loose !!

Yes that’s my shoe (or any article of clothing) thanks for showing me… now can I have it back? Drops the shoe etc and smiles triumphantly.

My life is consumed by hair but i love him!

Drop the ! Paper towel roll!

What did you do with my boots/shoes/socks/underware/bra?


It’s to damn cold to go swimming!


It’s not a monster! It’s only the ice maker!

*after getting out of the shower* I don’t freak you out naked…It means I have a shot right?

Stop snuggling the cat!

Give me back my socks!

No swimmies!

There’s a lint/hair roller by the front door!

How did your fur get here!

So many magical golden fibers in the house!

That’s my hand…


Funny Things only Golden Retriever owners say, golden retriever memes,  Golden Retrievers,

Why are you shopping on Amazon/Apple again? Why do you have my credit card? No you cannot by a Thor doll.

Time to go see doc and put more gold back into the golden boy!

How are you not bald? I have enough hair to make a sweater ?‍♀️?‍♀️?

Is that my sock? Jack…..

Ugh! My slippers are wet again.

You just rolled in poop!!

I used to have a woodpile.

Nala, the chickens do NOT want to play with you.

Want to go out..want to come in…want to go out…want to come in…keep going.

Whose a pretty girl?

I’m sorry I have golden glitter on me!

Kipper, the deer don’t want to play ball.

I have to vacuum first hang on.

Fur Fur and more Fur.

Can you like give me space to go to the bathroom ?! ????

Drop it! DROP IT!!

Don’t roll in the grass or the snow or the mud!

What is in your mouth?

Watch the tail!! Dogzilla!!!

Noooo not a mud hole again….

Where is my shoe.

We eat hair with every meal ?

“That’s it! Everyone is getting a golden hair knitted coasters for Christmas this year!”


“I swear if you bring me one more sock!….”

Spit it out. Drop it. What’s in your mouth?? Don’t make me come over there.

When they see you, they are VERY excited ?

Did you miss me ?

Sugar face baby!!

Carly barks orders at me, and I understand her!

You’re not the boss of me.

“You’re lucky I love you.”

Hurry up!

Careful of the tennis balls!!!???

Drop my dam shoe, sock, slipper…

Fibers of love. Referring to the copious amounts of fur.

Its not hair it’s golden glitter!

Come on slow poke! Don’t eat that!

Get out of the way!

Quit licking me!

Momma will be back!

I already shook your paw!

Give me my socks back.

No lickies!!!

Drop it!

How much hair can you shed in one day ?

You rolled in the mud again .. third bath of the day

Drop it …drop it …drop !!

Dont give me that look ( as you walk out the door without them )

Can you please move over …

And do i always have to share my food with you ????

At this very moment!

Mia drop the cow poo!!!

Your dewclaw is literally tearing my skin!

Off the bed….out of my chair…..

What do you have in your mouth now???

Where is all this hair coming from????

It’s not dog hair…. it’s my golden glitter ?

Move over….Don’t kiss me, you have poopy breath.

Cutest Goofball.

No way, I saw where you had that tongue…

I love GOLDEN Glitter!

Look at that floofer butt!

What did you do now!!!!!!

You just got out of groomer. You are wearing this t shirt so you dont get muddy.

No bities.

Where did all my money go!

Love to play games with you!

Ready to go night-nights???

Don’t wear black!

Hair in my mouth!

Stop licking the dishes in the dishwasher???

I sweep 2 times every day!

Why are you not bald?


You just want to play play play!

Here’s a lint roller!

Leave it!

Time for your daily brushing!

Stop eating that. That’s not yours!

My roomba/vacuum broke.

Look at those pants!!!

What on earth are you chewing on again??!

Get off the counter!

Where’s my shoe!

How are you not bald?

The hair sucks…BUT they are the BEST!!!

Why do you have to come to the bathroom with me??

Go lay down! I don’t hover over YOUR bowl!

Why are you all wet and muddy!!

Do not bring that on the sofa!

Get on your own side of the bed

Give me that Slipper!

Did you vacuum!

You just ate? How is this possible you are hungry?

Are you hungry? Ah never mind, You’re always hungry!

That’s not dog hair, that’s an accessory.

Calm down!

Where did you hide my sock?

Who’s the best girl? Who’s the best girl?

Yes, you are!

Who’s my best girl?

I love you, my good girl!

Spit out that dead bird!

Drop it!

Leave the socks alone!

Look at all that hair!

Get off your sister!

Quit barking at the tv!!

Waddle that orange butt over here!

Stop humping your brother Faith!

Move over, this is my bed too! I do pay the bills you know!

Stop dragging the cat by her neck! She’s not your toy!

Drop it!

What’s in your mouth what’s in your mouth,give me that.

What is that in your mouth? Open your mouth? Where did you find that??

What do you have in your mouth now!??

How many socks do you have in there?!

Please don’t sit on your brother’s head ?

“What the hell? I just vacuumed!”

Open your mouth , spit it out.

Would you please quit pushing your tennis ball under the bed, then look at me to get it!

Really you layed in another mud puddle!

You don’t need permission to get on the bed. It’s been 10 yrs abbey!

It’s only a dog hair, now pull it off and eat your sandwich!!

You dug another hole???

That’s my underwear!

“What’s in your mouth now??!!”

Get that out of your mouth, give that to mama.

Don’t sit on your sister!!

I love you so much!

Hey, the dog lives here and you’re just visiting!

Put your sister down!

How are you shedding this much and not bald.

I have to buy another vacuum!

Watch that tail!

Oh thats a nice stretch! ❤️

Where did all this hair come from!?

What do you have now?

Flossing with dog hair isn’t that bad,

Quit eating that pile of poop!!

Who’s a good boy?

No I’m not rubbing your belly so you’ll eat.

Don’t play poker with em!

No you cannot have another bite of my snack.

what are you chewing on now!?

Your the best dog!

Drop it!

Oh you like that booty scratch?

You just had a treat!

*sniffs* you need a bath…

Stop eating rocks!

Are you really going without me mum?

“Who’s da pwettiest boy???? You are! Yes you are!”

“Ozzy stop sniffing my butt”

“Where did you find that to chew? Seriously!”

“You want cheese? Come get cheese!”

You may never wear a dark blue or black garment of any kind; ever again.

What do you have?? Over and over and over again!

You’re a pain in my butt! (Followed by hugs and kisses).

Move so I can get up!

Move, your tail wagging is making me cold!

Yes there’s hair on my sandwich. So?

How are you not bald??

Aren’t you tired of that ball yet. My arms tired!!!!

Can you drink without dripping water all over the house????

Leave that frog alone!

There ain’t no way all this hair come from a single dog!

Is that a dead bird on my couch?

“Me while vacuuming, did a pomeranian just explode in here.

Really? You haven’t retrieved so much as one gold coin, some name.

Dude you weigh like 75lbs do you have to set your whole ass on me.

Thank you for protecting me from that left that blew across the yard this morning at 2am.”

Grinch toes!!

What is in your mouth!

Stop licking!! ?

No, seriously it’s fine! I’ll just buy more socks.

No paw….drop it….fetch it..

calm down. lol lol

Let’s go!!

Get out of the cats butt!!

You’re lucky you’re so damn cute!

Do you like your back vacuumed?

Stop body slamming me!

I’m just walking to the next room and I’ll be right back, you don’t need to don’t need to follow me!

Do you want your feet rubbed?

Why yes, I love having scratches on my chin and nose, and punctures on my ears and arms; I’m my puppy’s chew toy.

Stop scootching your butt on my floor!

Drop my sock!

Who’s got my shoe?

Why you so hekkin cute?

Do you always have to push me?

How does he still have fur left on his body??

Drop it!

Oh, you brought me a sock. Surprise…. Surprise.


Don’t eat that!!

“I have a golden retweeverrrrr”

Who loves you the most momma!

Shark teeth!



Its inside time not zoomy time!

Not everyone is your best friend.

That sock is not yours, leave it.

Wtf how are you dirty again I just gave You a bath


Damn it I just did the floors now they covered in dirt again!

Mind getting your paw out of my pocket.

You are not a lap dog!

Please..Throw the ball for the 100th time!

Get… off… of… me. I can’t breathe!

Your such a blessing. – I thank God for you.

(comes home to living room trashed) “WHO did it???” Everyone looking innocent….?

Well she didn’t mean it ?

Your butt is gonna wiggle right off! ?

You have our shoes… surprise, surprise ?

Hush, you’re not even scary. ?

Not everyone who walks by need to say hi to you!

Give me my socks back!

Kids, neither if you are my favorite… the dog is!

Don’t give me that attitude!

I wish you could clean up after yourself!

Why do you Have to lay behind me every time I use the dtove?

WTF all the time!

Where’s my shoe??

Give me that! ?

Stop pacing.

Give me my socks!

Can you sweep the stairs again there is Sophie hair in the corners…

She just wants to sit on your lap.

It’s not dog hair….it’s magical fibers of love!

Omg where did all these tumbleweeds of hair come from on the floor !!??

Dog hair is my everyday accessory!

You don’t even retrieve gold!

All my furniture, ans rugs are tan. Lol

My decor? It’s Early American Golden Retriever. Beige carpet, beige walls, beige furniture. Everything matches the dog hair.

Can I have some of the bed he leaves me a small section to sleep on.

We thought we knew all about shedding because we’d had collies. . . but then we got our Golden!

Trying to watch TV *Squeeeeek* You stare at them. They pause to look at you. “Can you please quiet it down a little I can’t hear the TV”. They quiet down, so you turn the TV back on then

* Squeeeeek SQUEEEEEK!* It’s even louder now ?

Always persistent letting me know you want pets by laying your face on my laptop and I’m over here just trying to type. ?


Give me that!!!

“Get off the table”

“Where does all the hair come from”

“How are you not bald”

Things I say on the daily ?

“How can you be so beautiful?” ??

“We need to trim your butt hair.” ?

“Why are you suchhh a mommas boi”



Do you have to lie right where I am cooking?

Why you being sassy?


How do you have ANY hair left?!?

“Get out of the mud”

“No you can’t fit on my lap right now”

“no it’s 20 degrees you cannot get in the pool”

“Quit dragging my pillows around for you to lay on, you have your own”

That’s my food!!!

Can you pls give me some space in my bed ?

You can also Read this article: Things only Golden Retriever Owners Say And GO!

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