Things Only Labrador Owners Say And GO

If you want to make a good day full of smiling and full of love with your labrador dog or with your labradors if you have more than one labrador so today we are sharing with you top things only labrador owners say to their dogs and go, Labrador owners must share this post in your groups. Thank you!

Funny Things Only Labrador Owners Say And GO!

 labrador dog, things only labrador owners say,

Drop it…always eating stuff he shouldn’t. Lol

”Please let me sleep 10 more minutes”

Where did u hide your toys again?

What do you have in your mouth?

What is that? What is in your mouth? Give that to me!

Drop it!

Do not eat goose poop!

What u eating now?


“Eh eh eh no!! No. Nooooooo.

Whoooosssaaa good boy

I love you so much ?”

Don’t eat your own poo !

Stop sniffing!

Get out of the water!

Why are you in the bath tub??

You’re not a tiny puppy! You can’t sit on my head ?

Why are you not bald with all that shedding?

Are you a good girl My wiggle but !!!!

You are not a lap dog!

“Can you stop eating random crap off the ground”

Put those bloody flowers back in the garden you little sh ooops angel!

Leave the cats alone!

I’m watching you!!!!!

No no no no!!!!!

Fetch it up!

I’m surprised you have any hair left on your body??

If you would just walk forward and stop turning around we would get there faster.

Seriously? You chewed up another toy? We just got that one.

My granddaughter told me that when she was little she thought my sister,’s black lab was called nobarney!

“It’s NOT time to eat”

Put That Down/Drop It!

Don’t eat that !?!

The whole stick of butter? The wrapper to? Now I’m gonna have to find that wrapper in my yard tomorrow?

“Give me the sock”

Do you realize how precious toilet paper is these days?

Why is there hair INSIDE my shoes?

Did you seriously dig ANOTHER hole??

How is there dog hair here! I haven’t even touched sasha yet!

You are so empathic. Thank you for that kiss!

Are you part goat?! Why are you eating that?!

Don’t eat that!!

Hi Big Ones! ❤️❤️

You’re Mommy’s Big Girls

Drop the sock

You can’t take your blankie outside?

Don’t you get up there on the counter!

Who wants a treat!

Get off of there!!! Lol!

‘ Don’t go in that water !! ‘

dont eat that!

Please Get Off Of Me!! You weigh to much!

There is supposed to be room for me in the bed!

How can you still be shedding so much hair?

Put that down!

You’re filthy!

Get Off the counter!

Put that stick down.

Is that a rock?

Where is your tennis ball?

No… you can’t bring that In the house ?

Get out of the mud!

Really? Ok come on…your a little big to be a lap dog! Ugh ugh ugh! (As he makes him self home on my lap.) lol

“Get out of my butt!! You’re going to make me break a leg!” She’s always following me around and tripping me up…?

Your not hungry!

What do you have in your mouth?!

How do you have any hair left on your body?

Get down

What r u eating

Give me that shoe or sock

Excuse me that my chair!

Scoot over I sleep here too??

What do you have now!

What do u have in ur mouth??!!

No, we are not going to McDonald’s again today?

You can’t be hungry you just ate!

Did you eat all that?!

What have you got… open open!

Can I be alone for 5 seconds?

Stop leaning on me!

No not for you!

You’ve just had tea!

Nooo don’t go… Too late (water anywhere any time)!

Get off the counters!

I really can pee by myself ??‍♀️

Nooo don’t take that trainer out the garden…..

no it’s too early for your dinner.

You dickhead!!


What did you just roll in?

Get out of the water ????

Dont do it‼️no‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

Really? You pooped there? Could you possibly poop farther out in the yard?

No, no ,no

Stop jumping, stop jumping

Sit x20

Stop chewing your toy on me

Go chase your tail, he chases his tail

“Back up”…They love to be in our space and it’s not always good timing.

Stay out of the mud, don’t look at the mud, don’t go near the mud, don’t sniff the mud…and we are in the mud.

Drop it drop it , don’t eat that!

Stop licking me!!!

Move!!! Lol

how do you have any hair left.

give me that sock

Really you will eat that too?

Are you tired yet!!!??

Shit there is water! Nooooooo you just had a bath!

What the F are you eating now ?

“Are you shopping in the laundry again?” ?????

My lab will find a pair of socks no matter how good you hide them.

There’s another vet bill for an obstruction surgery.

Don’t eat that!

Umm I’m only going to the bathroom , you don’t have to be in my face while I go ?

Stubborn dog. Come here, come here, COME HERE !

Whats in your mouth 24/7?

Stop with the paws!!

Don’t jump into that puddle!!

Drop it! That’s not yours!!

Your soaked again, you can’t come in.

Why are you staring at me? (Then comes the head tilt)

“Aht aht! Get away from the mud!”

“Don’t you dare put that paw in that puddle.. “

It’s not time to eat!

Stop licking me!!!!!

Bring ME the ball! Bring me the ball!!!!! Bring me the Baaalllllllll!!!!!!

Leave me some space in my own bed.

Please move out of the kitchen!

(As we step over them…?)

That pan of water is for drinking stop playing in it !!!

Can I poop in peace?

Is that roadkill?

DROP IT!!!!!

No, No humping!……after he poops. Every day for 9 years! He has good hips.

Drop the panties ??

Hang on I have to wipe up the puddle of drool.

Can I please just use the bathroom ALONE?!

“Drop it!” “Off!” “Get out of there!” “Knock it off!” “Eeeeww, drool!” “What do you have your mouth now?” These things sound like alot of negativity but they really aren’t. She makes us laugh all the time ❤?

Where’s the hand held vacuum at?

“Now you’ve done it!”

Are you for real?!?!

Why do you only eat MY stuff?! ???

Go away!

Fuck OFF!

Not in the face ?

Leave it!

Wait I have to vacuum!!

What is in your mouth? Drop it. Drop it.

Did you forget you already ate again?

Get your meathooks off of me.

I’m all done throwing you ball. ?????????

What Did u eat again ,leave it ,drop it!

leave it!

Stop chewing everything in site!

Who wants a belly rub.

My beautiful boy ??

What’s in your mouth???‍♀️

OMG not the pool again, I just dried you off!

How do you still have fur on your body with all this shedding?

OMG seriously, what’s in your mouth?

Good girl Chloe go get your bally ??

My happy Boy.

No get the duck not the stick!

“pretty, pretty”, pretty girl, wanna go swimming, wanna go for the big walk, wanna go camping…you;re so pretty, my baby girl, biggest baby, best girl on the planet…’s all day every day for me!

What about the wall looked delicious? Do you have a sheet rock deficiency?

Missing slippers from tge side of the bed. Never knew where to look to find them

Off the counter!!!

Learn to ignore dog hair…learn to dog hair…

Load up.

Let’s ride.

Get out of the kitchen!!! You cant have this food!!!

Can you give me alittle more room please?

Of course we can get your pool out in the snow.

Omg!!! Would you get out of the sink!?!?!

Geez! Quit following me, every time l turn around I’m falling over you guys.

You’re in mommy’s way again!

Did u eat that too fast

Move please!


Is that shoe string hanging out of your mouth!

You already ate!

Stop eating that whats in your mouth!!!!

Did u eat another pair of my socks?

Move your snout!

That’s not yours!

Get your noses off my plate!

You are lucky that you are so cute!

I just let you out.

Stay out of the mud puddles!

It is 40 degrees and you want to swim!

Every time I go out you don’t have to go.

No, no more treats right now??!

Stop barking to the birds!

Please just let me take a shower ALONE every now and then. (I literally said that last night getting ready for Church).

I JUST bought that toy!

“I’ve just put all those toys in the box… why are they all out again….. grrrrr (saying this as I trip over Sid the snake)”

We don’t eat poop

Pruuuuuuuuuuue. Get out of that mud now!

Quit following me into the bathroom along with a few cats …no room in here !

Do you not see it’s pouring down rain ☔️?

Be nice to the kitties!

Stop kissing the kitty cat.

Not again….???


Stop licking the couch!

You can’t eat that….!

Get off, leave it, stop licking me, stop licking yourself, stop barking…..

Settle down!!!

What’s in your mouth now??

Leave it, you disgusting dog why did you eat that?

No ….. no! NO!!!!!!

Did you really just do that? ??‍♀️?

Get a lab they said… it will be fun they

“I own a labrador.”

Oh Shit???

I love you!

I love you my labrador!

How do you have that much hair!?!

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