150 Things Only English Bulldog Owners Say And GO!

Today I want to share with you the best funny things only English Bulldog owners say and go.
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Enjoy these Funny Things Only English Bulldog Owners Say And GO!

Things Only English Bulldog Owners Say, English Bulldog,

1- I can’t sleep without the snoring.

2- Another fart! ?

3- Your underbite is so handsome ??

4- Dear God did the sewer line break

5- That drool is adorabull lol


7- You got stinky butt again???

8- Really?? Again???

9- Debo got another bag of chips

10- Only I appreciate your beauty ❤❤❤❤❤

11- Stubborn as a mule and has selective hearing ?

12- She’s jyst a 44 pound baby

13- My little fluffy baby.

14- Other than the slobber and the farting, he’s the perfect dog!

15- Stop barking at the couch and just jump up.

16- Go eat your own food.

17- Get out of my spot.

18- That’s her/ his excited face, can’t you tell?

19- “Where’s the wipes, quick get the wipes…yes that’s poop you can smell! Oh my god there is slobber on my ceiling”.

20- it was the cat, wasn’t it. (we always blame the cat for the infinite trouble he gets into).

21- “Come here so I can wipe your butt!”

22- Get your butt off my pillow.

23- Get another lint roller while your at the store!!?

24- Stop farting on me!!?

25- get off the trampoline!

26- Another bed REALLY??

27- Did you just fart?

28- Is that right!!

29- OMG ???♥️ leave that hose alone??‍♀️ we need another hose.

30- The best breed ???

31- You’re so needy!

32- Stop farting!

33- Don’t be such a groot!


35- “Time to wipe the pocket!”

36- Did you enjoy your 10 hour nap today?

37- Why are staring at me know???

38- What a pretty fat boy you are!

39- “Ew chunky, why you so stinkyyyyy?”

“Chunk, you’re our most high maintenance dog ever,”

“Chunk. What is happening to you? You’re an absolute MESS. Get yourself together dude!”

The last one is when we’re on walks and he hacks and is breathing super hard?

40- How can something so beautiful smell so rotten!

41- Why is my bed sopping wet??

42- You got slobber everywhere!!

43- SMELLY ?

44- For god sake go and do a shit will ya instead of farting on me!

45- Please quit licking my feet.

46- Stop being a coward it’s the same Old pillow i just moved it to the other side.

47- OK OK! Easy on the water. You’re gonna frow it all up when you burp ?.

48- Leave my food alone.

49- Everyone you know says he’s fugly and I tell him he’s my handsome Harry.

50- No you can’t have any (while staring at me while standing under the kitchen table ).

51- Dickhead!

52- Leave my bloody shoes alone.

53- Get out of in front of the door..!!!

54- I’m sorry for my dog snoring so loud.

55- Please don’t eat the remote, again.

56- He thinks everyone who comes by is just to see him so basically I’m friendless?

57- (Smell)It wasn’t me it’s the dog.

58- It’s just a bag, I know it is new to the environment, but I promise it will not hurt us. ??

He barks at pretty much anything that is new to the space. It wasn’t there before, so it must be out to get us??.

59- Stop it !!!. My boy is humping 24h/24h ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

60- Stop humping everything…

61- Girl, what is that smell! My eyes are watering!

62- Let’s wipe those tears off!

63- Come here, you’ve got poop on your butt.

64- Let me dry your wrinkles

65- You’re a little bitty naughty and a lotta bit cute!

66- How’d you get so cute.. That’s what I always say too my Piggy girl

67- Cmon let’s go. I said no, let’s go. Don’t make me drag you (at home depot)

68- Love.them for better or worse. We wouldn’t have them any other way ❤??

69- You’re a bully.

70- Let’s go !!!

71- That’s enough !!

72- Come on !!

73- Good morning, want to go with mommy, I’ll be right back. Are you hungry? Momma & Daddy love you. Wanna go to Home Depot, Petsmart? Bedtime. Where’s your blankie? Momma’s gotta go pee, yes you can come do I have a choice? Personal space, no such thing!!! Always have someone to blame the gas on. How’s the best girl?? I know your the boss.

74- Your so cute!!!

75- What’s mom’s baby doing today.

76- Come on kids, time to go inside? What do you want for dinner?

77- Henri stop licking and eating the wall.

78- Stop eating my house, you have 50 toys ?‍♀️?‍♀️

79- I’m not buying another toy if you crew this one up in an hour.

80- They dont make air fresheners for your ass❗ please stop the FARTS‼️

79- Please will you just wake up already

80- Quit following me to the bathroom.

81- I use to the smell now.

82- Stop getting into stuff. I’m tired of chasing you around the table.

83- Why won’t you come when I call ! You always ignore me.

84- Why do u have to pee on the floor but..I love u…

85- You’re too heavy! Move over!

86- You’re not the boss!!

87- How can one dog be so stubborn!

88- What is that smell.

89- OMG you stink!

90- Stay still Daddy’s gotta clean your butt!

91- Stop snoring.

92- Hi squishy face!!!

93- “Don’t eat that!!”

94- Get off the table you crazy dog!

95- Put your tongue back in your mouth ?

96- Get off me you are heavy!

97- Stop rubbing your face on my walls!!, and please Shhhh…?‍♀️☺️

98- Mommy loves you soo much!! ?

99- Your ass doesn’t belong on every crevice on my body.

100- Pop pop get u a hot dog in a min sweetheart!

101- I love your squishy face.

102- Who done the squeaky fart this time ! and have you followed through it stinks ! ?

103- Screaming ‘Let me clean your wrinkles’ as he runs away! ??

104- I hope you love me as much as I love you❤

105- Stubborn.

106- I Love you!

107- Quit farting-u stink!!

108- Come here let me wipe your butt.

109- Stop licking the wall

110- Don’t chew on the floor

111- Don’t eat the wall Lol!!!!

112- Put your teeth away xxx.

113- Why do you have your tongue out

114- “Who you talking to like that mister??”

115- “Who’s mamas wittle wigglebutt!?”!

116- Ur butt stinks , I don’t need to.keep rubbing you, can you not smack ur food lol.

117- Whose my boy. I wuff wooo!!

118- What’s in your mouth!?

119- I can taste that fart never mind smelling it.

120- You did big poops…let me wipe your bum.

121- What happened here?? When I see something being chewed that should not be chewed.

122- Let me clean your ears.

123- Come here and let me clean your folds!

124- Come! Come here, …please come on, I can’t stand with this door wide open, (it has to be on bulldog time or not at all)!

125- “Sorry he’s probably going to lean on you for booty rubs!!”

126- What did you just do?!?

127- Which one of you farted?!

128- Omg did wiggle butt just fart again??

129- “Always something to say”

130- Oh no that wasn’t me, that was the dog that farted….trust me mine do not smell like raw sewage ?

131- “where’s my kisses?”…..and she licks my face.

132- Is her tail pocket looking pink again?

133- Please stop calling him a dog it hurts his feelings ????

134- He’s a lover, not a fighter!

135- What’s wrong with you? Oh, I’m in your spot!

136- Shhhhhh To the snoring ??

137- Are U kidding. ??

138- Get off me I can’t breathe!

139- Stop masturbating on my sofa???

140- Let’s go inside?

141- Quickly get a towel. he’s drinking!!

At night when the few seconds they stop snoring, “why are so quiet?” “are you ok? “

“wake up” ?

142- Stubborn, cute little stinker ?

143- Please don’t send flowers. He hates when I get new stuff ?

144- Why are so damn bad and so damn cute at the same time!!

145- No human farts that much, nor do they stink that bad ?

146- Off the couch! As if it will ever work… ??

147- Stop licking my leg.

148- Apologizing for the snoring while on conference calls.

149- Stop Humping my leg.

150- Did you wipe his butt? Wipe his drippy chin! Drippy chin alert! Omg he farted as we gag ?

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