How to Train a Puppy Not to Bite


Puppies are so very cute that we all want to have one. Every child should have a puppy to teach them some responsibility and to have fun outdoors.

How to stop puppy biting will take a bit of time, but it won’t be difficult and you will soon learn how to train a puppy not to bite.

How to train a puppy not to bite, How to Stop Puppy Biting,

How to Stop Puppy Biting

When the puppies are in their litter with the mother, they will play and nip one another, the other puppy will squeal and usually, the biting puppy lets go. This is how they learn not to bite, by playing and because their jaws are still growing, sometimes they will bite too hard. So when you take your puppy home, have a few puppy chews for him to bite on, and don’t let little children pull him around, until you have the biting issue under control. Puppies have sharp little teeth and can give a small child a nasty nip.

Taking Your Puppy Home and Puppy Biting

Once you bring your puppy home, he has learned how to communicate with other dogs and he has also learned to overcome early fears of loud sounds. Between the 10-12 week period, he is able to adjust to living with you. Part of the adjusting is he will chew and bite on things, this is part of being a puppy, and it will take patience on your part to stop this from happening.

How to Train a Puppy Not to Bite

You are going to try to teach the puppy not to bite so much. This is something that has started in the litter, and now you will continue it at home. When the mother is feeding them in the litter, if one of them bites her she will get up and move away from them.

  • So you can start by redirecting the biting behavior to another object, like chew or a dog toy, and try to redirect their attention away from you.

The puppy will prefer to chase you or the legs of your pants, because you are moving around, making it more interesting to the dog.

  • If the dog is running after you and getting excited he will probably start to bite at your legs, if this happens stop playing and sit very quietly until the puppy calms down. Don’t shout and make a noise.
  • If you are playing a game like ‘tug of war’ with your puppy and he starts to bite, stop the game don’t continue any games while he is biting.
  • It is important to make consistent rules around the dog’s behavior that should be followed by the whole family, for a good outcome.

Start on an Obedience Training Program

This way you can learn to teach your dog a few simple commands that will keep him focused and not biting anyone. Good socialization is an important part of this and is done by exposing your pet to new people and new places. Take him to the park, where he can run around and meet other dogs and people. This way he is not going to be frightened in new situations. Have your dog desexed, very important for a male dog as it helps to prevent aggression, some dogs that are not desexed are extremely aggressive.

Take note of your dog’s body language, as you can tell if he is feeling threatened and about to bite if his teeth are bared and the fur at the back of his neck is up. Move away from the puppy and allow him to calm down. If he growls and snarls at you or another family member, he may also be planning to bite. Once you work out why he is growling and threatened, you can work out a suitable training program to stop this behavior.

How to Train A Puppy Not to Bite Conclusion

This will take time, and is often a hard problem to tackle, having an aggressive dog can be an issue. Socialization early goes a long way towards helping your dog to settle into his new life. Take the dog to a few structured obedience classes, as this will show you the easiest way to stop the aggression by issuing commands, and will give a lot of tips to deal with biting prevention.

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