How to train a puppy to pee outside


You have a new puppy, and this is very exciting for your family, but it will involve some training and conditioning to get him into a good routine as soon as possible. The first thing you need to focus on is to train a puppy to pee outside as soon as you can.

How to train a puppy to pee outside,  train a puppy to pee outside,

How to Train a Puppy to Pee Outside

Once your puppy is between 12 and 16 weeks old, it is time to start the training, as this is the age they have the bladder control to hold it and to learn to pee outside. If you can watch out for signs that your puppy needs to pee, you will have him trained in no time. So you will first need to identify a spot in your garden that is designated as the puppy toilet.

Toilet Training Your Puppy

For the first few days that you have your puppy, let him get used to your house and familiarize himself with his new environment. Then start the training. When he needs to go to the toilet he will show a few different behavioral signs and they are:

  • Sniffing around
  • Fidgeting
  • Circling and Squatting
  • May also whine or pace around.

Once you see any signs of this behavior take your dog to the peeing area outside.

Train a Puppy to Pee Outside

Taking him to the designated spot teaches him that he needs to go to this area when he wants to pee. When you see the signs that they need to be toileted don’t wait, stop what you are doing, and go straight to the garden. At this age bladder control is still a new concept to the puppy, and if you hesitate he will probably pee on the floor. If he hasn’t peed for a few hours, take him out to the garden anyway and show him the spot, this will get him used to going out there, and when he sniffs around he will probably decide to pee anyway.

Understanding Associations

The puppy learns associations because you are training and conditioning him to read certain signs.

  • The smell of dog urine in his toileting spot.
  • Using the same spot for toileting.
  • Feeling of the grass or surface under his paws.
  • When he first wakes up, or after food.
  • Certain verbal commands you may give your dog, keep them consistent.

After he has successfully been to the toilet, play with him outside for a while as a reward, he will soon adjust to this routine. Before bedtime, you will need your puppy to go to the toilet, and this is where a ‘command’ may be useful. Pick one word like pee, and say it every time they go out to the toilet spot.

When You Train a Puppy to Pee Outside Accidents will Happen

The training won’t be without its setbacks, and accidents will happen. When they do happen don’t get angry with your puppy as he hasn’t done it on purpose, and is probably still gaining good bladder control, so never punish the dog for accidents. Use ammonia-free products to clean your carpet and floors when this happens. As products with ammonia in them smell like dog pee and will give him the wrong message.

When you have Trained Your Puppy to Pee Outside

Reward your puppy, as positive reinforcement of good habits, is important. The dog will know that he is going to the toilet in the right spot and that you are pleased about the fact that he learned to. Reinforcing good behavior in playing with your dog, or giving him a dog biscuit is a good reward.

Your puppy is adjusting to change, and coming to a new home is a steep learning curve for him. So take the training slowly, and give him time to learn.


If you have trained a child, you won’t find training a puppy to pee outside at all difficult. It is just a matter of being consistent and patient. The dog is an intelligent animal, and he will soon learn what you are teaching him, and will be ready to move on to more training. If you have any trouble with the training, consult your Vet, so that you can exclude any medical reasons for problems.

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