Things only Golden Retriever Owners Say And GO!

In this blog post, we share with you top and funny Things only Golden Retriever owners say And GO! These things will make your day and feel very happy you can also name them as top golden retriever memes ideas.

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Things only Golden Retriever owners say And GO!

“Did they drop you on your head before we got you?!”

My God! How are you not bald?

No thanks. I never watch movies where the dog dies.

I swear you are half human ♥️

Multiple Beds in your house ❣️❣️

I could make an extra “down” comforter out of your fur!

We could make another golden out of all that fur !

I want to come back as MY DOG!

Could you be anymore beautiful

She is not a Labrador!

You have the eyes of an old soul

“Removing my face mask and blowing hair out of it”. “Seriously?! How did you hair get on the INSIDE of my mask?!

Tanner, whatcha got? What’d you find?

Peackocking walk with

Found dog toys


A Wallet

Pine cones

And newest one…..a potato.

Oliver, drop the sock. You can’t eat it!!

I dont need you drooling all over me!

Just found another dog under the couch! ( all that hair!)

Could you get any closer?

Your such a blonde!

Cooper get off my slipper!!! About 20x a day hahaha!

Why thank you yes she is beautiful.

Leave it. Leave it. Leave it. Drop it. Drop it. Leave it. Good girl.

Things only Golden Retriever owners say, golden retriever memes,  Golden Retriever,

Wth is in your mouth now and why does it smell.

I’ve never seen so much hair in my life…

You are NOT a Lapdog, Diogee!

What do you got?? What is it? Drop it!!

I’m so happy I will never pee alone..

Of course she’s friendly. Duh! She’s a Golden.

I think I will take the white carpet and furniture, please. (following this with maniacal laughter.).

“Dog hair? That’s just dog glitter “

He always knows what I’m thinking.

I love vacuuming daily! Lol

Always a “secret service ” detail in the bathroom!!.. lol

Stop eating dirt, stop eating dirt, stop eating DIRT…

I really don’t need your help.

As my guy goes to the door with his stuffie….. Drop the baby Finn… Drop it!!

Boomer move Boomer move and on as he lays against swivel rocker and moves an inch at a time.

Don’t wear dark clothes at my house.

What is that in your mouth.

I’m only coming if my Goldie can come too.

They only shed a little ?

Drop it! Drop it!! Leave it!!

Stop kissing me!!

Give it to me

Oreo what is in your mouth!

“Its a golden thing”

I own the best dog breed.

Nosey, Needy, don’t look at me like that, drop it, leave it…

Pal!! Quit snoring!

That’s why they call it “fur”niture

“What are you eating” ?


Give me back my undies! Or “Where’s my other shoe, Bernadette??”

Drop the sock!!!

Fur is a fashion accessory.

Drop it Drop it Drop it!

Get up and go be a dog hahahaha

She’s the happiest dog

Dog hair is a fashion accessory and condiment lol….

Golden boys.

Go get your ball…

Everyday there is a litter of golden glitter pups on my floor?

Dog hair don’t care.


Golden hair….don’t care!

I’ll be right back. You. E good while I am gone!

I don’t wanna throw the ball for the millionth time!

Bath time…again!

What is that? LEAVE IT!

My dog is a beautiful majestic ….. derp!

She’s so sweet.

Go lay on your pillow. My girls have their own beds, blankets and pillows. Most of the time their blankets and pillows are on my bed so they sleep with me. They are just a little spoiled.

I use to wear black all the time ✨ Where’s the lint brush?❗️

Damn Dingleberries!

Stop that!!

My baby has Grinch feet!

Drop the remote to the TV.

No outfit is complete without dog hair.

OK OK OK. I’ll chase you even tho I just got home from work. Oh boy that’s the prettiest bone I’ve ever seen. I’m gonna get.

I don’t have a dog, I have a Golden Retriever ♥️

Remember, Mommy loves you!!

Fur is an every day accessory!

I’m sorry you can’t go everywhere with me. ?

Open your mouth and let me see what’s in it. (Also works on toddlers).

Just make sure there’s no dog hair in your food.

1) drop the sock!2) no!

3) what are you eating!!?!

Settle down. It’s just a mop!

Leave the towel alone….

You are not a lap cat.

“Oh look, another butt hair on my shirt”.

Drop the sock, shoe, towel etc?

What are you eating!!!!

I don’t wear black anything ??‍♀️

What do you have now?

He loves picking things up to bring me when I’m eating???!

You knucklehead! Drop it, drop it, drop it! And ten more drop its!

relax nothing to be afraid of

your needy ??

we love you

we don’t worry about the hair….

These are the rules when you go out side…. no eating poop , rocks or anything outside lol no chasing the turkeys , peacocks or chickens and leave the bunnies alone. Stop chasing the horses you got them all tuckered out with your zoomies earlier. And for the love of god if it belongs outside then leave it outside. Lol ?

Move over, make room for me on that sofa!.

Drop it. Let go….drop it! Drop it!!!!

Leave it, you can not eat that rock, stick, random item!

What is in your mouth?

“I don’t need a potty partner….

Did you get that off the counter!?

But I’ve already pet you 100x!!

No you can not drive! Get back!

Guess I will just sleep on the floor…. “

Stop licking the dirty laundry!

Trooper’s “Not just a dog, he’s a special Golden Retriever.” “Trooper’s the most handsome and smartest Golden Retriever in the world.” And, “Okay it’s lap time, c’mon up.”

No, he isn’t an Irish Setter…yes, goldens do come in red.

Leave it!!

Can you not lay on my face while I’m trying to sleep…I can’t breathe.

Brandi, leave that beer alone!

Drop it! I know…you’re so cute…but drop it! No frozen poopsicles!

Would you get out of the mud.

I love your fluffy butt!

Can I please have my pregnancy pillow back!

Where’s the lint roller?!

“Hey bedhog, move over”

Getbout that puddle.

We literally just played ball for an hour how on earth do you still want to play you can barely breathe.

Do I dribble all over you when you eat??

Drop it!!

How can you shed so much hair and not be bald!

You are so worth every bit of shedding hair.

You really don’t have to watch me pee every time…

If you weren’t so damn cute you would be in the basement.

“Why do you have to lay entirely on top of me??”

Gigi, you have the most beautiful eyes and smile EVER ❤

Wake up!

How are you not BALD?

Wake up dog!

Put the socks down!

Stop digging in the yard!

Move over your smashing me!

Your shoes won’t match.

give me my sock back?

Stop pawing at me!

Leave it. Lol

my boys always have a toy in their mouth and it ALWAYS gets left outside.

Out again?!

I know she sheds a lot but at least her hair is amazing soft. Really it’s completely different then other breeds. As the person in your home just gives you a blank stare and then continues to brush hair from her clothing. Lol

Your white face is so distinguished.

Get down.

Who is a good boy?


Want to see a picture of my Golden Retriever?

Stop chewing on my bras.

Wish they could live forever.

“No, he’s not a Labrador “

“No, they’re not siblings”

You are the sweetest, most handsome boy ever. You have a heart of gold.

“No. I’m going to pee without you… Ugh fine! but in or out – I’m about to pee my freaking pants!

It’s OK! You don’t have to TOUCH me ALLLLL the time!!! ?❣️

Want to a cookie baby?


Hair everywhere!

“Drop it!!”

Another shoe bites the dust.

Great more tumbleweeds in my house!

You have grinch feet!

If Major was a golden, no White House guards would have been bitten – only licked!

There’s no such thing as a “golden lab”!

You want some fries with that shake?

OK, where are my shoes???

Omg why is he chewing carpet and molding… lol

Drop It……….!!

Butt feathers.

Not the mud!!

Ugh!!! You’re lucky you’re SO STINKIN CUTE!

Yes he us pure golden.

What is in your mouth now?!

Where in the hell does all this hair come from?!

Daddy can hug mommy without you getting in the middle ?

Sugar Face!

Oh, look at your floof! And the sweetest smile to go with it!

No you can’t have my food…you done ate yours.

I just LOVE you soooooo much ?

We used to have a nice backyard.

“I can make another you out of all of this fur”

We need a new vacuum , again!

Oh my chiquita baby!!!!!

What do you have now?!?!?

The kisses ?

Drop it!!

quit getting in the hamper and stealing my underwear … when people are visiting for sure.

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